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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our first night

The drive was awful! Anyone who has ever driven through the Columbia gorge knows the roads are terrible when its not dark, windy, and rainy, but when you have all of the above, its pretty bad. Dallin gave me a jingle before i left and gave me fair warning that the roads were awful, i said "okie dokie! thanks bunches", and went on with feeding the baby beast (Holly). However, it was similar to someone warning you of the pains of childbirth, nothing can prepare you until your doing it. There was standing water on the highway, semi trucks were throwing water over the jersey barrier in to the on coming traffic (Holly and I), man I was sweating bullets! I swear, I was breathing so hard, white knuckling the steering wheel and every time i would hit one of those huge puddles or pass a semi truck, I think i forgot to breath and i shut my eyes (two very poor decisions). Grateful i was to see the off ramp for our new humble haven. I pulled off and was so stressed out I almost cry ed just from the ride there, and then i started driving to our place....and let me tell you, I thought, I'm gunna get jumped, holy crap! I called dallin and was like,"Honey, i think i went the wrong way!" I just started laughing hysterically, (cuz that's what i do when I'm super overwhelmed) then he calmly assured me that in fact I had gone the wrong way. Praise all thank you! I flipped a uie and headed straight back in the opposite direction.
Finally little Holly bear and I made it to our little love nest and all was well. Dallin had the trailer all jacked up and ready to live in....on the outside. I stepped through the front door and HOLY CRAP!!!! There was stuff everywhere. Now anyone who knows me knows that everything has to have a place, all of our stuff had to go somewhere to make this work and by golly it took me two days but i done got all that stuff put away.
Now before I end this little blurb i must tell you about our sweet Emery. As Dallin and I were scurrying around trying to get everything organized Ms. Emery snuck off into our new "master bathroom" and turned on the shower. Now now now, i know what your thinking, big woop right? Well it wouldn't have mattered had the shower not been packed full of our STUFF! That little stinker, she didn't get in trouble because when she did it, it scared her so bad she came running out of the bathroom going, " ahhhhhahhh! mommy the water!" hahaha too funny.

Sleepless Nights

Our fist few nights here i just laid awake staring at the ceiling, listening to the train go by, Emery talking in her sleep, feeding Holly, and contemplating the many different ways I could organize our new home to fit our abundance of crap. I started taking notes in my cell phone so i would remember all my good ideas when i woke up in the morning. Command hooks, stamps, cereal container, jimmy rig door so Emery wont escape while I'm in the shower, etc. All have come to pass, sleepless nights are no longer and the trailer is organized. Emery escaping out the front door however is a work in progress. Right now i am using a cocktail weenie stick to hold the sliding door shut, we shall see who wins this match up. Emery vs. Weenie stick, the fight is on.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Your living where?

I wanted to start this blog in hopes of remembering the many experiences that take place while living in a trailer park, or mobile manor as i like to call it. No matter how you try to fancy it up though its still a good old American trailer park. When asked in a job interview about five years ago now, "where do you think you'll be in five years?" I am a hundred percent positive my first words were not " in a trailer with two kids in the middle of no where". It's hard to shake off the stigma that's associated with living in a trailer park. When the topic was first approached before the big move i remember getting a lot of concerned looks and half hopeful "good lucks" with side chuckles. Personally that makes me just want to take on the challenge even more, you think i cant do it?! Watch me! I am one of the most stubborn sweet hearts you will ever meet. I am taking this challenge head on with my honey sugar daddy, leopard print spandex, and two babies in tow. Nobody is going to stop us from making this the best time of our lives!
I hope that i can get time to write and update this thing. I have already learned so much and we've only been here about two weeks. I am enjoying every second of this opportunity and you know me and the hubby have been talking about getting ourselves one of these 5th wheels someday. Hec we might be living on wheels permanently! Sure I'm afraid of the oven, and our neighbors can be a little shady, but its our home and we wouldn't have it any other way.